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Mission and Vision Statement

Our Vision:

    The vision of Arnold School
is to provide an
environment that
empowers students
to be ambitious learners
 and productive, responsible 
members of a global society.

Our Mission:

Arnold Elementary School
will prepare students to
become successful citizens
and lifelong learners.

Arnold's School Creed:

As an Arnold Elementary student,
I have great expectations for myself.

The education that I receive at Arnold 
will give me a future filled with success
and make me a leader of tomorrow.

I am here to learn. Therefore I will do
everything to keep my teachers teaching
and everyone learning.

I will show respect for myself and others.

Yesterday's mistakes are behind me.
Success is now before me.

I will reach for my dreams with
determination and hard work.     

I accept this challenge because failure
is not an option at Arnold.

Cambridge Attributes (The Five Bees) - School-wide Expectations


Be Confident.

Be Responsible.

Be Respectful.

Be innovative.

Be Reflective.