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J.W. Arnold Elementary School is located at 216 Stockbridge Road in Jonesboro, Georgia. J.W. Arnold opened for operation in 1963 to serve Jonesboro’s African-American student population in grades one through nine. Clayton County Public Schools integrated in 1968, and J.W. Arnold was assigned a school boundary that included neighborhoods immediately surrounding the school.

The Early Childhood Research and Development School, co-sponsored by Clayton County and the University of Georgia, was moved to J.W. Arnold Elementary School where the program continued until 1972. As the city of Jonesboro grew from a small town to a suburban community, J.W. Arnold Elementary changed to a neighborhood school that served mostly Caucasian middle class students.

J.W. Arnold Elementary was a pilot school for the state of Georgia's kindergarten program in 1972 and was selected as a model school for reading in 1976. At that time, J.W. Arnold had 35 full-time, certified faculty members who include one principal, one media/technology specialist, one counselor, 18 classroom teachers, and one art, one music, and one physical education teacher. In addition, J.W. Arnold had one Early Intervention Program (EIP) teacher, three resource teachers, one SCORE teacher, and one part-time English Speaker of Other Languages (ESOL) teacher. There were 20 full-time, non-certified personnel. These positions consisted of six paraprofessionals who work in the classrooms, one secretary, and one bookkeeper. There were six cafeteria staff member, including two monitors, and two janitorial staff members.

Arnold’s current demographic data can be located at While you are there, leave us a kind comment.